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Labor Doula Support

You already have all the intuition and wisdom you need.

We'll support you in that so you can experience an extraordinary birth

Labor Support: Text
Image by Olivia Anne Snyder
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Your voice being heard.

Your questions being answered.

Your feelings being validated.

Your wishes being honored.

Image by Olivia Anne Snyder
Pregnant woman making packing list for maternity hospital, preparing for labor at home, to


Having an informed birth plan that you created with unbiased, judgment-free support -- that works no matter how your birth unfolds. 

Image by Olivia Anne Snyder


Having someone you can rely on completely to help you navigate all of the unknowns along the way -- making sure all of your wishes are heard and respected.

Meet the Black River Doulas

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Tiffany Kahofer


As a teen mom, I felt a lot of judgement and wasn't aware of my options as a new mother. I felt alone and confused. I founded Black River Birth Services to help new moms feel empowered and supported so they don't have to feel like I did during the most memorable moments of their life. I am a ProDoula Certified Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula, as well as a Certified VBAC Specialist. I am so excited to support you on this journey!

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What does it look like to work with us?

Initial visit:

Our care begins with a private prenatal visit where you get to meet your doulas, either virtually or in person. At this time, we will discuss your birth wishes, develop a birth and support plan, and work together to bring it all to life. Since we use a "shared call" model, you get the expertise and support of two doulas prenatally, however only one of us will attend your birth.

Our time together

During our time together we will discuss your beliefs, fears, concerns, and preferences. In addition, we will chat in-depth about what your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum options are to create a plan that is unique to you and your goals. When labor day arrives, we will put the plan in action and support you based on what we discussed prenatally.

Benefits of having a doula

Doulas help labor feel more comfortable

Having a doula increases the likelihood of having a spontaneous vaginal birth, decreases the length of labor by 25%*, and decreases the risk of a cesarean birth by 50%*!

Doulas help with breastfeeding success

Having a doula increases the success rate of breastfeeding. I am trained and able to support you if this is the feeding method you desire. I am also equipped with resources if extra support is needed. 

Doulas can help decrease the need for medication

Having a Doula decreases the request for an epidural by 60%* and the use of Pitocin by 40%*!

Studies also show that you are more likely to be satisfied with your birth outcome when you have the support of a doula.

Family Planning


Ready to experience an extraordinary birth?

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